Abang Hensem & Akak Cantik

Keys to Success : Negative Neutralizer, Positive Booster

Tonight, while I keep counting my days left to start my practical, the ideas is coming. Ideas of why everyone is failing in their lives. It is because they are fail to planning what they have to do.

“Fail to plan is planning to fail”
“Anda gagal merancang bermakna anda merancang untuk gagal”

Bunyi mcm mustahil, tapi ianya logik. Tanpa perancangan yang betul, semua pekerjaan tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan sempurna. Jika kite tidak merancang mase depan dengan betul,itu bermakna kite secara automatiknye telah merancang untuk gagal. Sebagai contoh, kite nak makan, tapi kite tak buat ape-ape, berjayakah kite untuk makan? Semestinye tidak. Jadi, jangan tunggu bile, jangan tanya siape. Ianya diri kite sendiri yg akan ubah, bukan masa trtentu tetapi SEKARANG!

“It is now or never, it is now for forever”

Relate with the topic, why we have to plan is we have to neutralize the negative, and we boost  the positive. In malay calls “buang yg keruh, ambil yg jernih”. Why we have to do that before planning? It is because this negative gonna be tricky. It will let you fail at every stage of your planning. Sometimes it make you feel lazy, sometimes it make you to take the wrong path, sometimes it will make you not you. This negative  is very dangerous. Beware!

That’s why we have to neutralize it, not remove 100% but to neutralize it. We take the negative, for example lazy to do work and neutralize it, become lazy to waste time. Then, we take the positive, we boost it to the maximum level. Finally, we got an excellent result. Sehingga kite tertanya-tanya, betul ke kite yang buat semua ini?. Ye, betul. Ianya adalah ANDA!

2 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

bukan setakat planning je. tapi kena rajin lepas plan tu. no pain no gain tauu =)

Unknown berkata...

pape pun, still kne tgk dri sendiri dlu jgk :)